This is a collection of scripts created by Bart De Schutter. Installation ------------ These scripts should be saved in a directory like ~/bin that should be included into your PATH (see e.g. your .bash_profile file) and they should be made executable (use chmod +x script_name for this). Some of the perl scripts require the installation of perl library modules (with extension .pm). The directory in which the modules files are saved should be included into your $PERL5LIB environment variable (e.g. include a statement like export PERL5LIB=${PERL5LIB}:directory_you_saved_these_modules_in into your .bash_profile file). As some systems might already have commands with the same name as these scripts, you might want to rename the scripts, or add a line like alias script_name=~/your_bin_dir/script_name in your login files (e.g., .bashrc) in order to be able to use the given command. Directories ------------------- The scripts assume that the user has created a subdirectory ~/tmp to store temporary files and directories. If such a directory does not exist, temporary files and directories are created in the TMPDIR directory, or, if the environment variable TMPDIR is not defined, in the systemwide /tmp directory. In case the latter directory does not exist either, the current directory is used to store temporary files and directories. Latest version -------------- The latest version of these scripts can be downloaded from or