
Example 19: Second-order LPV model of flapping dynamics

close all; clear; clc;

Flapping dynamics of a wind turbine

% System matrices
A1 = [0 0.0734; -6.5229 -0.4997];
A2 = [-0.0021 0; -0.0138 0.5196];
A12 = [A1 A2];
B12 = [-0.7221 0; -9.6277 0];
C12 = [1 0 0 0];
D12 = [0 0];
n = size(A12,1);    % The order of the system
m = size(A12,2)/n;  % The number of scheduling parameters
r = size(B12,2)/m;  % The number of inputs
l = size(C12,1);    % The number of outputs

Open-loop identification experiment

Simulation of the model in open loop

% defining a number of constants
j = 10;    % period
np = 100;  % number of periods
N = np*j;  % number of data points

% measured data from the scheduling parameters
mu3 = cos(2*pi*(1:N)'./j) + 0.2;

% make affine LPV system
M = idafflpv(A12,B12,C12,D12,eye(2),zeros(2,1),1);

% simulation of the system with noise
t = (0:N-1)';
u = randn(N,r);
e = 0.3.*randn(N,l);
y0 = sim(M,u,t,mu3);
y = sim(M,u,t,mu3,e);
disp('Signal to noise ratio (SNR) (open-loop)')
Signal to noise ratio (SNR) (open-loop)

ans =


Identification of the model in open loop

% parameters
p = 5;     % past window size
f = 3;     % future window size

% LPV identification with noise
mu1 = ones(N,1);
mu = [mu1 mu3];
[S,x] = lordvarx(u,y,mu,f,p,'tikh','gcv',[0 1 0]);
x = lmodx(x,n);
[A,B,C,D,K] = lx2abcdk(x,u,y,mu,f,p,[0 1 0]);
figure, semilogy(S,'x');
title('Singular values')

Verification results

% Simulation of identified LPV system
Mk = idafflpv(A,B,C,D,K,zeros(2,1),1);
yidk = sim(Mk,u,t,mu3,e);
disp('VAF of identified LPV system ')
VAF of identified LPV system 

ans =


Identification results

% Plot eigenvalues
hold on
title('poles of identified LPV system')
[cx,cy] = pol2cart(linspace(0,2*pi),ones(1,100));
plot(real(eig(A1)),imag(eig(A1)),'k+','LineWidth',0.1,'MarkerEdgeColor','k', 'MarkerFaceColor','k', 'MarkerSize',10);
plot(real(eig(A2)),imag(eig(A2)),'k+','LineWidth',0.1,'MarkerEdgeColor','k', 'MarkerFaceColor','k', 'MarkerSize',10);
axis([-1 1 -1 1]);
axis square
hold off