Numerics for Control & Identification (N4CI)

Delft Center for Systems and Control

Delft University of Technology

Adaptive Optics Lab

Michel at AO breadboard

Since 2002 the research activities lead by Prof. Michel Verhaegen have been refocused from pure algorithmic developments to generic systems and control problems, towards new systems and control solutions for specific emerging technologies – like Advanced Optics Systems. This refocus resulted in an expansion of our laboratory facilities. Part of this expansion was paid through direct support of our industrial partners. Such as the acquisition of the experimental Leica confocal microscope SP5. Both in the photonics and renewable energy activities we are collaborating with world leading industrial companies.

  • Adaptive Optics breadboard system

    AO breadboard at DCSC AO breadboard at DCSC
    Jacopo Antonello with a Linux controlled adaptive optics system including a Okotech deformable mirror,
    a wavefront sensor, a science camera and a photo-diode with pinhole for sensorless adaptive optics.

  • Adaptive Optics for confocal microscopy

    Leica confocal microscope AO for confocal microscope
    Hans Yoo with the Leica confocal microscope that is being extended with an adaptive optics system.

  • Smart LASER system

    In this project the object is to control the wavelength in waveguide-based external cavity semiconductor lasers (WECSL).

    WECSL array control setup. Close-up photo of the WECSL array.
    WECSL array control setup (left) and a close-up of the WECSL array (right).