
Bart De Schutter can be reached at:

    Delft Center for Systems and Control
    Delft University of Technology
    Mekelweg 2
    2628 CD Delft

in room C-3-320.

This room is located on the 3nd floor of the right-most wing of the 3mE building if you enter the main entrance of the 3mE building at Mekelweg 2. Enter via the main entrance, turn right, go past the doors, and continue in the same direction until you reach the outer wall of the building;, next, take the elevator at your left-hand side to the 3rd floor. Bart De Schutter's room is almost at the end of the corridor, on the left.

See also map of TU Delft with 3mE building (building 34) highlighted, parking spots and bus stops near 3mE building (building 34), and map of the 3mE building.