Bart De Schutter's CV
Bart De Schutter received the degree in electrotechnical-mechanical
in 1991
and the doctoral degree in Applied Sciences (summa cum laude
with congratulations of the examination jury)
in 1996, both at the
K.U.Leuven, Belgium.
The subject of his PhD thesis was "Max-algebraic
system theory for discrete event systems".
After obtaining his PhD degree, he was a senior research assistant
of the FWO-Flanders at the
research group of the K.U.Leuven.
In 1998 he transferred to the Control Systems Engineering group
of the Faculty of Information Technology and Systems
of Delft University of Technology,
The Netherlands. In 2003 the
control groups of Delft University of Technology
merged into the
Delft Center for Systems and Control
Currently, Bart De Schutter is a
full professor DCSC.
Since September 2018 he is the head of department of DCSC.
In 1998 Bart De Schutter
was awarded the
Richard C. DiPrima Prize
for his PhD thesis.
In 1999 he has received the triennial Robert Stock
Prize for PhD theses in Exact Sciences
at K.U.Leuven.
In 2003 he obtained a VIDI grant on the topic of multi-agent control of
large-scale hybrid systems from the Dutch Technology Foundation STW.
He was also the coordinator of the European FP7 STREP project
Hierarchical and distributed
model predictive control of large-scale complex
systems (HD-MPC) and the European H2020 project
SEarch, identificAtion and Collection of marine Litter with Autonomous Robots
In 2021 he was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant on the topic
"A novel control paradigm for large-scale hybrid networks (CLariNet)".
Bart De Schutter is IEEE Fellow, IFAC Fellow, senior editor for
the IEEE
Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,
and associate editor for
the IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control.
Languages: Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian
Extra information (in pdf format):
This page is maintained by
Bart De Schutter.
Last modification: October 24, 2022.