I. Necoara,
B. De Schutter,
T.J.J. van den Boom, and
J. Hellendoorn,
"Stable receding horizon control for max-plus-linear systems,"
Proceedings of the 2006 American Control Conference,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp. 4055-4060, June 2006.
We develop a stabilizing receding horizon control (RHC) scheme for the
class of discrete-event systems called max-pus-linear (MPL) systems.
MPL systems can be described by models that are "linear" in the
max-plus algebra, which has maximization and addition as basic
operations. In this paper we extend the concept of positively
invariant set from classical system theory to discrete-event MPL
systems. We define stability for the class of MPL systems in the sense
of Lyapunov. For a particular convex piecewise affine cost function
and linear input-state constraints the RHC optimization problem can be
recast as a linear program. Using a dual-mode approach we are able to
prove exponential stability of the RHC scheme. We derive also a
constrained time-optimal controller by solving a sequence of
parametric linear programs.