A.N. Tarau,
B. De Schutter, and
J. Hellendoorn,
"Throughput optimization of automated flats sorting machines,"
Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea,
pp. 51-56, July 2008.
Large letters, journals, magazines, plastic wrapped mail items of A4
size are called flats. In order to be able to handle the large volumes
of flats that have to be processed state-of-the-art post sorting
centers are equipped with dedicated flats sorting machines. The
throughput of a flats sorting machine is crucial when dealing with a
continually increasing number of items to be sorted in a certain time.
But, the throughput is limited by the mechanical constraints. We
propose to optimize the efficiency of this sorting system by making
several design changes and implementing advanced model-based control
methods such as optimal control and model predictive control. In this
paper we determine an event-based model of the flats sorting system.
The considered control methods are compared for several scenarios.
Results indicate that using the proposed approaches the throughput can
be increased with up to 52.62%, the computation of the optimal
velocity being performed in real-time.