Model predictive control for switching max-plus-linear systems with random and deterministic switching

T. van den Boom and B. De Schutter, "Model predictive control for switching max-plus-linear systems with random and deterministic switching," Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, pp. 7660-7665, July 2008.

Switching max-plus-linear (SMPL) systems are discrete event systems that can switch between different modes of operation. In each mode the system is described by a max-plus-linear state equation and a max-plus-linear output equation, with different system matrices for each mode. The switching may depend on input and state, or it may be a stochastic process. We derive a stabilizing model predictive controller for SMPL systems with both deterministic and stochastic switching. In general, the optimization in the MPC algorithm boils down to a nonlinear optimization problem, where the cost criterion is piecewise polynomial on polyhedral sets and the inequality constraints are linear.

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 * Corresponding technical report: pdf file (171 KB)
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Bibtex entry:

        author={T. van den Boom and B. {D}e Schutter},
        title={Model predictive control for switching max-plus-linear systems with random and deterministic switching},
        booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress},
        address={Seoul, Korea},

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