Multi-agent coordination of traffic control instruments

R.T. van Katwijk, B. De Schutter, and J. Hellendoorn, "Multi-agent coordination of traffic control instruments," Proceedings of the International Conference on Infrastructure Systems 2008: Building Networks for a Brighter Future, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 6 pp., Nov. 2008. Paper 141.

As more and more traffic control instruments are installed to promote the flow in road traffic networks the probability increases that either conflicts will arise or coordination opportunities are lost when traffic control instruments are applied in the same area. By modeling the separate instruments as intelligent agents, the actions of the individual instruments can be coordinated. This paper illustrates the benefits of multi-agent coordination and proposes a procedure through which coordination between traffic control instruments can be achieved.

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Bibtex entry:

        author={R.T. van Katwijk and B. {D}e Schutter and J. Hellendoorn},
        title={Multi-agent coordination of traffic control instruments},
        booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Infrastructure Systems 2008: Building Networks for a Brighter Future},
        address={Rotterdam, The Netherlands},
        note={Paper 141}

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