Hierarchical multiobjective model predictive control applied to a dynamic pickup and delivery problem


A. Núñez, B. De Schutter, D. Sáez, and C.E. Cortés, "Hierarchical multiobjective model predictive control applied to a dynamic pickup and delivery problem," Proceedings of the 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2010), Madeira Island, Portugal, pp. 1553-1558, Sept. 2010.


A hierarchical multiobjective model based predictive control approach is presented for solving a dynamic pickup and delivery problem. The hierarchical multilayer structure of the system is used to decompose the optimization problem into smaller but more tractable subproblems. In the bottom layer, the dispatcher (re)routes the vehicles when a new request appears, and minimizes user and operator costs. As those two components are usually aimed at opposite goals, the problem is formulated and solved through multiobjective model predictive control. The dispatcher participates in the dynamic routing decisions by expressing his/her preferences in a progressively interactive way. An illustrative experiment of the new approach through simulation of the process is presented to show the potential benefits in the operator cost and in the quality of service perceived by the users.


Bibtex entry:

author={A. N{\'{u}}{\~{n}}ez and B. {D}e Schutter and D. S{\'{a}}ez and C.E. Cort{\'{e}}s},
title={Hierarchical multiobjective model predictive control applied to a dynamic pickup and delivery problem},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2010)},
address={Madeira Island, Portugal},

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