Z. Zhou,
B. De Schutter,
S. Lin, and
Y. Xi,
"Multi-agent model-based predictive control for large-scale urban
traffic networks using a serial scheme," IET Control Theory &
Applications, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 475-484, 2015.
Urban traffic networks are large-scale systems, consisting of many
intersections controlled by traffic lights and interacting connected
links. For efficiently regulating the traffic flows and mitigating the
traffic congestion in cities, a network-wide control strategy should
be implemented. Control of large-scale traffic networks is often
infeasible by only using a single controller, i.e. in a centralized
way, because of the high dimension, complicated dynamics, and
uncertainties of the system. In this paper we propose a multi-agent
control approach using a congestion-degree-based serial scheme. Each
agent employs a model-based predictive control approach and
communicates with its neighbors. The congestion-degree-based serial
scheme helps the agents to reach an agreement on their decisions
regarding traffic control actions as soon as possible. A simulation
study is carried out on a hypothetical large-scale urban traffic
network based on the presented control strategy. The results
illustrate that this approach has a better performance with regard to
computation time compared with the centralized control method and a
faster convergence speed compared with the classical parallel scheme.