Numerics for Control & Identification (N4CI)

Delft Center for Systems and Control

Delft University of Technology


Jan. 2015 New Bachelor Master Student Projects! See Education
Dec 2014. Raf van de Plas is appointed assistant-professor
Sep 2014. Gleb Vdovin, formerly professor at the Electronic Instrumentation Lab and founder of Flexible Optical BV is appointed part-time professor
Aug 2014. Michel Verhaegen receives the IFAC Fellow Award during IFAC World Congress 2014
Aug 2014. 6 papers accepted for the World Congress 2014 of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)
Feb 2014. Aleksandar Haber obtains Phd Cum Laude on "Estimation and control of large-scale systems with an application to adaptive optics for EUV lithography"
Jan 2014. Sander Wahls, formerly Postdoc Research Fellow at Princeton University, is appointed assistant professor
The project Smart Control of OBFN based Phased Array Systems (SCOPAS), principal investigator Michel Verhaegen, was approved by the STW board on Nov 15, 2013.
Nov 2013. New job opportunities in the ERC Advanced grant iCON, read more...
Sep 2013. Michel Verhaegen received the prestigious ERC Advanced grant iCon.

The Numerics for Control and Identification (N4CI) group is one of the 3 main research groups of the Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC). The mission of the N4CI group is:

To develop a computational system theory for data driven, fault tolerant control for multivariable and/or large scale systems.

This mission is inspired by the following drivers:

  • The demand for increased system performance, reliability, adaptability and intelligence
  • The dynamic interaction between network connected large scale distributed systems

One of the main goals of the N4CI group is to perform the prototyping and validation of new algorithms for systems and control problems on real-life demonstrators. This is partly done in collaboration with our industrial partners and partly in our laboratory. The target application areas are photonics, such as astronomy, lithography, microscopy on the one hand and renewable energy, such as wind energy on the other hand.