B. De Schutter and
T.J.J. van den Boom,
"Connection and speed control in railway systems - A model predictive
control approach," Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop
on Discrete Event Systems (WODES'02) (M. Silva, A. Giua, and J.M.
Colom, eds.), Zaragoza, Spain, pp. 49-54, Oct. 2002.
We further enhance our previous results on model predictive control
(MPC) for railway systems with both hard and soft connection
constraints, i.e., railway systems where, if necessary, some
connections may be broken (but then a penalty is incurred). In this
paper we extend the previous model by also including variable
traveling times, which offers an extra degree of freedom for control.
We present an MPC framework for railway systems, where the main aim of
the control is to recover from delays in an optimal way by breaking
connections and/or letting some trains run faster than usual (both at
a cost). In general, the MPC control design problem for railway
systems leads to a nonlinear nonconvex optimization problem, but we
show that the optimal MPC strategy can be computed using extended
linear complementarity problems or integer programming.