Optimal input signal design for identification of max-plus-linear systems

G. Schullerus, V. Krebs, B. De Schutter, and T. van den Boom, "Optimal input signal design for identification of max-plus-linear systems," Proceedings of the 2003 European Control Conference (ECC'03), Cambridge, UK, 6 pp., Sept. 2003. Paper 026.

The present contribution addresses the problem of designing an adequate persistent excitation for state space identification of max-plus-linear systems. The persistent excitation is designed using the same techniques that have recently been developed for model predictive control for max-plus-linear systems. The application of this method for input signal design allows to incorporate additional objectives which are desirable for the input signals and the resulting process behaviour such that an optimal persistent excitation is obtained.

 * Corresponding technical report: pdf file (146 KB)
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Bibtex entry:

        author={G. Schullerus and V. Krebs and B. {D}e Schutter and T. van den Boom},
        title={Optimal input signal design for identification of max-plus-linear systems},
        booktitle={Proceedings of the 2003 European Control Conference (ECC'03)},
        address={Cambridge, UK},
        note={Paper 026}

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