D. Corona and
B. De Schutter,
"Adaptive cruise controller design: A comparative assessment for PWA
systems," Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Conference on Analysis and
Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS'06), Alghero, Italy, pp. 253-258,
June 2006.
We propose the design of an adaptive cruise controller (ACC)
of a Smart vehicle as a benchmark set up for methods developed for
piecewise affine (PWA) systems based on model predictive control (MPC)
arguments. The control law of the system aims at achieving a trade-off
between tracking and fuel consumption while guaranteeing specific
constraints, related to physical limitations, safety/comfort
issues, environment protection and energy saving. In this paper we
consider some PWA MPC control design methods, an on-line, an off-line
and a robust on-line and compare them with an on-line linear
approximation and an off-line gain scheduling approach. The results
will be briefly described and the algorithms will be tested in terms
of key issues for real implementation and accuracy of the solution.