D. Corona,
M. Lazar,
B. De Schutter, and
M. Heemels,
"A hybrid MPC approach to the design of a Smart adaptive cruise
controller," Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference
on Control Applications (CCA 2006), Munich, Germany, pp. 231-236,
Oct. 2006.
In this paper we investigate the possibility of applying the hybrid
Model Predictive Control (MPC) framework to solve a control problem
regarding tracking of a moving vehicle. The study originates from the
design of an adaptive cruise controller (ACC) of a Smart car, that
aims to closely follow a reference trajectory transmitted by a leading
vehicle. The physical behavior of the Smart and the constraints
arising from the specifications related to safety and security issues
make the hybrid MPC framework suitable for this task. An adaptation of
the terminal cost and constraint set MPC approach, which is commonly
used for fixed set-point regulation, is employed in order to achieve
good tracking of a time-varying reference trajectory. The simulation
results indicate the effectiveness of the developed hybrid MPC
algorithm and the industrial feasibility with respect to on-line
computation restrictions.