M. Burger,
A. Hegyi, and
B. De Schutter,
"Suitability of different mean speeds for model-based traffic
control," Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of the
Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 18 pp., Jan. 2008.
Paper 08-2010.
Traffic jams are an economic and environmental problem in many
countries. When traffic demand exceeds the freeway capacity, shock
waves can be caused by small disturbances in the traffic flow. Since
it is not always desirable or feasible to add more lanes on freeways
to overcome capacity problems, alternative methods have been developed
to reduce and to dissolve traffic jams. One of these methods is using
model-based traffic control. The model-based methods use traffic flow
models, in which the speeds are typically space mean speeds, while the
measured speeds on a freeway are often time mean speeds (measured by
loop detectors). The difference between using space mean speeds and
time mean speeds for model-based methods has not yet been addressed in
literature. In this paper, we investigate the possible performance
loss caused by using another mean speed type than the space mean speed
for model-based traffic control. Methods for approximating the space
mean speed based on local measurements are discussed, together with
the time mean speed and geometric mean speed. The suitability of six
mean speed types is investigated using microscopic simulation. Next,
the three most suitable mean speed types for model-based traffic
control are used to determine dynamic speed limits on a freeway using
a model predictive control approach. All three types of mean speeds
result in the resolution of the congestion in the test scenario and
lead to a performance improvement of about 14%.