M. Burger,
A. Hegyi, and
B. De Schutter,
"Model-based speed limit control with different traffic state
measurements," Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress,
Seoul, Korea, pp. 14072-14077, July 2008.
In this paper, traffic flow is controlled using dynamic speed limits,
obtained by Model Predictive Control (MPC). MPC is a model-based
approach, where the states of the system, influenced by control
actions, are predicted over a certain time span. The states of the
system are the mean speeds and densities on the motorway. Traffic flow
models typically use space mean speeds, while measurements on
motorways are often time mean speeds. Several methods for obtaining
estimates of the space mean speed based on the time mean speeds are
discussed, and the possible performance loss of using another mean
speed than the space mean speed for model-based traffic control is
investigated. The resulting controllers, using the different
estimates, are evaluated for a scenario where speed limits are used to
eliminate a shock wave from a motorway by comparing the achieved
reduction in the total time that the vehicles spend on the motorway
(TTS). The result show that the performance for the different
estimation methods is comparable, and lead to an improvement of the
TTS of around 14%.