K. Stanková and
B. De Schutter,
"Stackelberg equilibria for discrete-time dynamic games - Part II:
Stochastic games with deterministic information structure,"
Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on
Networking, Sensing and Control, Delft, The Netherlands, pp.
255-260, Apr. 2011.
We consider a two-person discrete-time dynamic game with a
prespecified fixed duration. Each player maximizes her profit over the
game horizon, taking decisions of the other player into account. Our
goal is to find the Stackelberg equilibria for such a game. After
having discussed deterministic Stackelberg games in the companion
paper (Stackelberg Equilibria for Discrete-Time Dynamic Games - Part
I: Deterministic Games), in this paper we focus on stochastic games
with a deterministic information structure. While for the stochastic
game with open-loop structure the solution procedure is
straightforward and already reported in the literature, the problem
with the closed-loop problem information structure for stochastic
games remains a challenge. After discussing a rather standard approach
to solve the open-loop stochastic game, we propose an approach to find
(sub)optimal solutions of the closed-loop game. Moreover, we discuss
solution approach for generalized games in which the leader has access
to the follower's past actions, the so-called inverse Stackelberg