C.R. Portilla,
L.G. Cortes,
F. Valencia,
J.D. López,
J.J. Espinosa,
A. Núñez, and
B. De Schutter,
"Decentralized model-based predictive control for urban traffic
control," Proceedings of the 8th Triennial Symposium on
Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VIII), San Pedro de Atacama,
Chile, 5 pp., June 2013.
In this paper, a centralized and a decentralized MPC scheme for the
control of an urban traffic network are presented, using the S model
as prediction model. We claim that with a decentralized MPC scheme it
would be possible to control larger urban traffic networks, especially
where due the growth of the number of variables and non-linearities of
the urban traffic model, it would not be feasible to implement the
centralized scheme in real time.