B. Kersbergen,
T. van den Boom, and
B. De Schutter,
"On implicit versus explicit max-plus modeling for the rescheduling of
trains," Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on Railway
Operations Modelling and Analysis (RailCopenhagen), Copenhagen,
Denmark, 15 pp., May 2013.
In this paper a new railway traffic model is introduced. This model is
determined by rewriting the model introduced in the papers "A
permutation-based algorithm to optimally reschedule trains in a
railway traffic network" by T.J.J. van den Boom, N. Weiss, W. Leune,
R.M.P. Goverde, and B. De Schutter (Proceedings of the 18th IFAC
World Congress, pages 9537–9542, Milan, Italy,
August–September 2011) and "Structured modeling, analysis, and
control of complex railway operations." by T.J.J. van den Boom, B.
Kersbergen, and B. De Schutter (Proceedings of the 51st IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control, pages 7366–7371, Maui,
Hawaii, December 2012). The models are both macroscopic, contain the
same level of details, allow the rescheduling of trains, and are
formulated as Switching Max-Plus-Linear (SMPL) models, the difference
being that the first model is an implicit SMPL model and the second
one is an explicit SMPL model. In this paper a method is detailed for
rewriting an implicit SMPL model into an explicit SMPL. Both models
are used to solve the rescheduling problem. By solving the
rescheduling problem a schedule for all trains in the network is found
that minimizes the total delay. The rescheduling problem will be
written as a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) problem and
solved using the standard solver available in the Multi-Parametric
Toolbox for Matlab. The time needed to solve the rescheduling problem
using either the implicit and explicit model is compared.