Backward reachability of autonomous max-plus-linear systems


D. Adzkiya, B. De Schutter, and A. Abate, "Backward reachability of autonomous max-plus-linear systems," Proceedings of the 12th IFAC/IEEE Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Cachan, France, pp. 117-122, May 2014.


This work discusses the backward reachability of autonomous Max-Plus-Linear (MPL) systems, a class of continuous-space discrete-event models that are relevant for applications dealing with synchronization and scheduling. Given an MPL system and a continuous set of final states, we characterize and compute its "backward reach tube" and "backward reach sets," namely the set of states that can reach the final set within a given event interval or at a fixed event step, respectively. We show that, in both cases, the computation can be done exactly via manipulations of difference-bound matrices. Furthermore, we illustrate the application of the backward reachability computations over safety and transient analysis of MPL systems.


Bibtex entry:

author={D. Adzkiya and B. {D}e Schutter and A. Abate},
title={Backward reachability of autonomous max-plus-linear systems},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 12th IFAC/IEEE Workshop on Discrete Event Systems},
address={Cachan, France},

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