B. De Schutter and
T.J.J. van den Boom,
"Model predictive control for discrete-event and hybrid systems - Part
I: Discrete-event systems," Proceedings of the 16th International
Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS
2004), Leuven, Belgium, 10 pp., July 2004. Paper 312.
Model predictive control (MPC) is a very popular controller design
method in the process industry. A key advantage of MPC is that it can
accommodate constraints on the inputs and outputs. Usually MPC uses
linear or nonlinear discrete-time models. In this paper and its
companion paper ("Part II: Hybrid Systems") we give an overview of
some results in connection with MPC approaches for discrete-event
systems and hybrid systems. In general the resulting optimization
problems are nonlinear and nonconvex. However, for some classes of
discrete-event systems and hybrid systems tractable solution methods
exist. In this paper we consider discrete-event systems, i.e.,
asynchronous systems with event-driven dynamics. In particular, we
discuss MPC for a special class of discrete-event systems, viz.
max-plus-linear discrete-event systems, for both the noise-free and
perturbed case (i.e., with modeling errors and/or noise). In the
companion paper we will discuss MPC for some classes of hybrid