Numerics for Control & Identification (N4CI)

Delft Center for Systems and Control

Delft University of Technology

  • Courses (MSc level)

    • Systems and Control

      DCSC offers a two-year MSc program in Systems and Control which is directed towards the fundamental and application specific aspects of systems, signals and control engineering.
      The Higher Education Press Agency compared 474 of the 1,300 master´s degree programmes offered in the Netherlands, basing their final assesments of each programme on information from the National Student Survey and from assessment reports made for the accreditation of university programmes. Of all evaluated MSc programmes, the TUDelft MSc Systems and Control scored the best with 89 out of a possible 100 points.
      From the report:
      "... Delft Systems and Control is the champion. Next to compliments of the experts, the programme receives a standing ovation from the students".
      More info: Keuzegids, Delta (magazine of TU Delft).
    • Filtering and Identification (sc4040) - 0/4/0/0

      The objective of this course is to show the use of linear algebra and its geometric interpretation in deriving computationally simple and easy to understand solutions to various system theoretical problems. Review of some topics from linear algebra, dynamical system theory and statistics, that are relevant for filtering and system identification. Kalman filtering as a weighted least squares problem. Prediction error and output error system identification as nonlinear least squares problems. Discussions of some practical aspects in the system identification cycle.
      See for more details the blackboard site of the course sc4040 (only access for enrolled students).

    • Adaptive optics

      • Control for High Resolution Imaging (SC4045) - 0/0/0/4

        High resolution imaging is crucial in scientific breakthroughs, such as discovering new earth-like planets in other galaxies than our solar system, or discovering the origin and progress of diseases at a molecular level. For that purpose special optical instruments like Extremely Large Telescopes or STED microscopy are developed. There is one key obstacle that hampers a clear vision, and invites control engineers to step in. These are the disturbances induced by the medium, like turbulence in case of astronomy or by the specimen under investigation, like the change in diffraction index due to inhomogeneities in the biological tissue. This fascinating and expanding field in science is providing an excellent challenge to control engineers to help rejecting the disturbances by active control. This course will review the hardware necessary to control light waves in modern optical instruments and their modeling from a control engineering perspective, and will discuss model based control methodologies to do disturbance rejection. As a student at the TU Delft, you can see the lecture notes and slides and enroll for this course at this blackboard page.
        For more information contact Prof. M. Verhaegen.

      • Adaptive Optics Design Project (SC4115) - 0/0/0/4

        Note: This course used to be called "Special Topics in Control for High Resolution Imaging" (SC4120).

        Course Contents - Project where the theoretical insights learned and studied in the course sc4045 will be applied in a realistic test environment. This may consist in the building of a simulator to test and verify the building blocks of high resolution imaging system that make use of wavefront sensors and deformable mirrors or lenses to first reconstruct the wavefront and then use this information to achieve optimal wavefront correction with a a deformable mirror. The test environment to be built by students working in teams of 2 to 6 may consist in the development of a virtual test bench in a high level computing language such as the new Julia computing language ( or may consist in developing elementary Adaptive Optics systems in the laboratory.

        Goal: Building insights about the key components in Adaptive Optics such as the wavefront reconstruction and the deformable mirror. As well as building the controller methodology to obtain a smart optics system for high resolution imaging. As a student at the TU Delft, you can see the lecture notes and slides and enroll for this course at this blackboard page.
        For more information contact Prof. M. Verhaegen.

    • Bsc/MSc graduation projects

    • Examples of past and ongoing MSc graduation projects

      • High speed intensity based wavefront sensing - Carlas Smith
      • Phase estimation by using particle filtering - Fabio Busnelli
      • Non-stationary disturbance rejection with lattice filters - Alessandro Scotti
      • Development of an efficient parallel wavefront reconstructor - With implementation on a GPU - Wimar Klop
      • Adaptive Optics - Evaluation of recursive algorithms for nonstationary disturbance prediction in an adaptive optics experimental setup - Mohammad Reza Sadeghi
      • Feedback control of a piezo deformable mirror for a wavefront sensorless AO setup - Henk Kroese
      • Subspace identification of LPV systems - Federico Felici
      • Fast focusing of a thermal deformable mirror - Martijn de Boer