- Gunes, B.; van Wingerden, J.W. and Verhaegen, M., 'Tensor networks for MIMO LPV system identification', International Journal of Control, early view, 2018 (link)
- van Solingen, E.; van Wingerden, J.W. and Oomen, T.A.E., 'Frequency-domain optimization of fixed-structure controllers', in International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 28(12), 3784-3805, 2018 (link)
- Navalkar, S.T. and van Wingerden, J.W., 'Nuclear Norm-Based Recursive Subspace Identification for Wind Turbine Flutter Detection', IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 26(3), 890-902, 2018 (link)
- Boersma, S.; Doekemeijer, B. Vali, M., Meyers, J. and van Wingerden, J.W., 'A control-oriented dynamic wind farm model: WFSim', Wind Energy Science, 3(1), 75-95, 2018 (link)
- Gunes, B.; van Wingerden, J.W. and Verhaegen, M., 'Tensor Nuclear Norm LPV Subspace Identification', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, early view, 2018 (link)
- Qui, Y.; van Gijzen, M.B.; van Wingerden, J.W.; Verhaegen, M. and Vuik. C., 'Evaluation of multilevel sequentially semiseparable preconditioners on computational fluid dynamics benchmark problems using Incompressible Flow and Iterative Solver Software', Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 41(3), 888-903, 2018 (link)
- Bijl, H.; Schon, T.B.; van Wingerden, J.W. and Verhaegen, M., 'System identification through online sparse Gaussian process regression with input noise', IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, 2, 1-11, 2017 (link)
- Gunes, B.; van Wingerden, J.W. and Verhaegen, M., 'Predictor-based tensor regression (PBTR) for LPV subspace identification', Automatica, 79, 235-243, 2017 (link)
- Pascu, V.; Kanev, S. and van Wingerden, J.W., 'Adaptive tower damping control for offshore wind turbines', Wind Energy, 20(5), 765-781, 2017 (link)
- van Solingen, E.; Mulders, S.P. and van Wingerden, J.W., 'Iterative feedback tuning of wind turbine controllers', Wind Energy Science, 2(1), 153-173, 2017 (link)
- van Dijk, M.T.; van Wingerden, J.W.; Ashuri, T. and Li, Y. 'Wind farm multi-objective wake redirection for optimizing power production and loads', in Energy, 121, 561-569, 2017 (link)
- Navalkar, S.T.; Bernhammer, L.O.; Sodja, J.; van Solingen, E.; van Kuik, G.A.M. and van Wingerden, J.W., 'Wind tunnel tests with combined pitch and free-floating flap control: data-driven iterative feedforward controller tuning', in Wind Energy Science, 1(2), 205-220, 2016 (link)
- Solingen, E.; Beerens, J,; Mulders, S.P.; de Breuker, R. and van Wingerden, J.W. 'Control design for a two-bladed downwind teeterless damped free-yaw wind turbine', in Mechatronics, 36, 77-96, 2016 (link)
- Bijl, H.; van Wingerden, J.W.; Schon, T.B., and Verhaegen, M. 'Mean and variance of the LQG cost function', in Automatica, 67, 216-223, 2016 (link)
- van Kuik, G.A.M.; Peinke, J.; Nijssen, R.; Lekou, D.J.; Mann, J.; Sorensen, J. N.; Ferreira, C.; van Wingerden, J.W.; Schlipf, D.; and Gebraad, P.M.O.; and others 'Long-term research challenges in wind energy--a research agenda by the European Academy of Wind Energy', in Wind Energy Science, 1, 1-39 2016 (link)
- Gebraad, P.M.O.; Teeuwisse, F.W.; van Wingerden, J.W.; Fleming, P.A.; Ruben, S.D.; Marden, J.R.; and Pao, L.Y. 'Wind plant power optimization through yaw control using a parametric model for wake effects-a CFD simulation study', in Wind Energy, 19(1), 95-114, 2016 (link)
- Annoni, J.; Gebraad, P.M.O.; Scholbrock, A.K.; Fleming, P.A. and van Wingerden, J.W. 'Analysis of axial-induction-based wind plant control using an engineering and a high-order wind plant model' in Wind Energy, 19(6), 1135-1150, 2016 (link)
- Solingen, E.; Fleming, PA,; Scholbrock, A, and van Wingerden, J.W. 'Field testing of linear individual pitch control on the two-bladed controls advanced research turbine', in Wind Energy, early view, 2015 (link)
- Navalkar, S.T.; van Solingen, E. and van Wingerden, J.W., 'Wind Tunnel Testing of Subspace Predictive Repetitive Control for Variable Pitch Wind Turbines', IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 23(6), 2101-2116, 2015 (link)
- Fleming, P.; Gebraad, P.M.O.; Lee, S.; van Wingerden, J.W.; Johnson, K.; Churchfield, M.; Michalakes, J.; Spalart, P.; and Moriarty, P. 'Simulation comparison of wake mitigation control strategies for a two-turbine case', in Wind Energy, 18(12), 2135-2143, 2015 (link)
- Yue, Q.; Gijzen M. B.; van Wingerden, J.W., Verhaegen, M.; and Vuik C. 'Efficient Preconditioners for PDE-Constrained Optimization Problems with a Multilevel Sequentially SemiSeparable Matrix Structure', in Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA), 44, 367-400, 2015 (link)
- Gebraad, P.M.O.; and van Wingerden, J.W.; 'Maximum power-point tracking control for wind farms', in Wind Energy, 18(3), 429-447, 2015 (link)
- P. Torres; van Wingerden, J.W.; and M. Verhaegen 'Hierarchical subspace identification of directed acyclic graphs', in International Journal of Control, 88 (1), 123-137, 2015 (link)
- P. Torres; van Wingerden, J.W.; and M. Verhaegen 'Output-Error Identification of Large Scale 1D-Spatially Varying Interconnected Systems ', in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60(1), 2015 (link)
- P. Torres; van Wingerden, J.W.; and M. Verhaegen 'PO-MOESP subspace identification of Directed Acyclic Graphs with unknown topology', in Automatica, Vol. 53, pg. 60-71, 2015 (link)
- van Solingen E.; and van Wingerden, J.W.; 'Linear individual pitch control design for two-bladed wind turbines', in Wind Energy, 18(4), 2015 (link)
- Verwaal, N.; van der Veen, G.; and van Wingerden, J.W.; 'Predictive control of an experimental wind turbine using preview wind speed measurements', in Wind Energy, 18(3), 385-398, 2015 (link)
- Laguna A.J.; Diepeveen, N.F.B.; and van Wingerden, J.W.; 'Analysis of dynamics of fluid power drive-trains for variable speed wind turbines: parameter study', in IET Renewable Power Generation, 8(4), 398-410, 2014 (link)
- Fleming, P.A.;Gebraad, P.M.O.; Lee, S.; van Wingerden, J.W.; Johnson, K.; Churchfield, M.; Michalakes, J.; Spalart,P.; and Moriarty,P.; 'Evaluating techniques for redirecting turbine wakes using SOWFA', in Renewable Energy, 70, 211-218, 2014 (link)
- Navalkar S.T.; van Wingerden, J.W.; van Solingen, E.; Oomen, T.; Pasterkamp, E.; and van Kuik, G.A.M.; 'Subspace predictive repetitive control to mitigate periodic loads on large scale wind turbines', in Mechatronics, 24(8), 916-925, 2014 (link)
- Rice, J.; and van Wingerden, J.W.; 'Fast calculation of the 'ILC norm' in iterative learning control', in International journal of control, 86(6), 1186-1190, 2013 (link)
- Rice, J.; and van Wingerden, J.W.; 'Computational Methods for Distributed Control of Heterogeneous Cyclic Interconnection Structures', in IEEE transactions on automatic control, 58(8), 2136-2142, 2013 (link)
- Gebraad, P.M.O.; van Wingerden, J.W.; Fleming, P.A.; and Wright. A.D.; 'LPV Identification of Wind Turbine Rotor Vibrational Dynamics using Periodic Disturbance Basis Functions', in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 21(4), 1183-1190, 2013 (link)
- van der Veen, G.J.; van Wingerden, J.W.; Fleming, P.A.; Scholbrock, A. K.; and Verhaegen, M.; 'Global data-driven modeling of wind turbines in the presence of turbulence', in Control Engineering Practice, 21(4), 441-454, 2013 (link)
- van der Veen, G.J.; van Wingerden, J.W.; Bergamasco, M.; Lovera, M.; and Verhaegen M.; 'Closed-loop subspace identification methods: an overview', in IET Control Theory and Applications, 7(10), 1339-1358, 2013 (link)
- van der Veen, G.J.; van Wingerden, J.W.; and Verhaegen, M.; 'Global Identification of Wind Turbines Using a Hammerstein Identification Method', in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 21(4), 441-454, 2013 (link)
- Barlas, T.; van Wingerden, J.W.; Hulskamp, A.W.; van Kuik, G. A. M.; and Bersee H.E.N.; 'Smart dynamic rotor control using active flaps on a small-scale wind turbine: aeroelastic modeling and comparison with wind tunnel measurements', in Wind Energy, 16(8), 1287-1301, 2013 (link)
- Houtzager, I; van Wingerden, J.W.; and Verhaegen, M.; 'Rejection of Periodic Wind Disturbances on a Smart Rotor Test Section Using Lifted Repetitive Control', in IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, 21(2), 347 - 359, 2013 (link)
- Houtzager, I; van Wingerden, J.W.; and Verhaegen, M.; 'Wind turbine load reduction by rejecting the periodic load disturbances' in Wind Energy, 16(2), 235-256, 2012 (link)
- Houtzager, I; van Wingerden, J.W.; and Verhaegen, M.; 'Recursive predictor-based subspace identification with application to the real-time closed-loop tracking of flutter', in IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, 20(4), 934 - 949, 2012 (link)
- Johnson, K.; van Wingerden, J.W.; Balas, M. & Molenaar, D-P. (2011), 'Special issue on "Past, present and future modeling and control of wind turbines"', in Mechatronics, 21(4), 633. (link)
- van Wingerden, J. W.; Hulskamp, A.W.; Barlas, T; Houtzager, I.; Bersee, H.E.N.; van Kuik, G.A.M. & Verhaegen, M. (2011), 'Two-degree-of-freedom active vibration control of a prototyped 'smart' rotor', IEEE transactions on control systems technology, 19(2), 284 - 296. (link)
- Hulskamp, A. W.; van Wingerden, J.W.; Barlas, T.; Champliaud, H.; van Kuik, G.A.M., Bersee, H.E.N. & Verhaegen, M. (2011),' Dynamic load mitigation experiments on a scale model of a wind turbine with a smart rotor', wind energy, early view. (link)
- Luspay, T.; Kulcsar, B.; van Wingerden, J.W.; Verhaegen, M. & Bokor, J. (2011) "Linear Parameter Varying Identification of Freeway Traffic Model" IEEE transactions on control systems technology, 19(1), 31-45. (link)
- van Wingerden, J.W. & Verhaegen, M. (2009), "Subspace identification of Bilinear and LPV systems for open and closed loop data", in Automatica, 45(2), 372-381. (link)
- van Wingerden, J.W.; Houtzager, I.; Felici, F. & Verhaegen, M (2009), "Closed-loop identification of the time-varying dynamics of variable-speed wind turbines", in International Journal of robust and nonlinear control special issue on Wind turbines: New challenges and advanced control solutions, 19(1), 4-21. (link)
- Selvam, K.; Kanev, S; van Wingerden, J.W.; van Engelen, T. & Verhaegen, M. (2009), "Feedback-Feedforward Individual Pitch Control for Wind Turbine Load Reduction", in International Journal of robust and nonlinear control special issue on Wind turbines: New challenges and advanced control solutions, 19(1), 72-91. (link)
- van Wingerden, J.W.; Hulskamp T.; Barlas T.; van Kuik G.A.M.; Molenaar D-P. & Verhaegen, M. (2008) "On the proof of concept of a Smart wind turbine rotor blade for load alleviation", Wind Energy, 11(3), 265-280. (link)
- Felici, F.; van Wingerden, J.W. & Verhaegen, M. (2007), "Subspace identification of MIMO LPV systems using a periodic weight sequence", in Automatica, 43, 1684-1697. (link)